Gender Inequality

Gender inequality is when people are treated differently from other genders or if there is a bias for or against them because of their gender. People can decide which gender they are and if they are treated differently because of this, that is gender inequality. It can be found anywhere.

Common occurrences of Gender Inequality are in workplaces, schools, social life, the media and other places. 

The Gender Pay Gap is a huge problem and has been for years, it's when women get paid less than men for doing the same job with the same amount of hours worked. It is unfair as the pay is supposed to be based upon the results, not gender.

In schools, sometimes textbooks enforce stereotypes into children's or children of different genders are given different opportunities and are treated differently.

People can often be treated differently in their social life because of their gender, and some are not treated well just because of their gender.

In the Media, harmful gender stereotypes can be encouraged in ads, tv shows, magazines, movies, etc.


Gender stereotypes are often the reason for gender inequality, they are ideas that some people think apply to many people of a gender. It is often associated with bias. They affect people since they are born and create their personalities, they shape their lives in ways that they can't control. It encourages behaviour that they may not feel comfortable with and restrict their feelings. They can be thoughts about what everyone in a group likes, behaves like, looks like, etc. Stereotypes make people judge people before they get to know them.

Examples of Gender Stereotypes

Girls and women: like pink, makeup, princesses, can't do sports, are weak, always have to have a pretty face, are always emotional, are not as smart as men.

Boys and men: like blue, cars, boxers, can't do dance or creative things, always have to be strong and tall, can't have emotions that aren't anger

Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap is the difference in the average earnings of men and women. The gender pay gap is one of the main causes of women in poverty (poor). It’s basically when even though both men and women have the same job, do the same things, and work the same amount of hours, women still get a lesser income or lesser money than men. This is because women’s labor (work contributions) is not appreciated and is undervalued. Women are more likely to get a job that’s low-paying and has fewer offers than men. 

Key Words and Definitions


constructs that one can identify with. Ex: male, female, non-binary, etc. 


imbalance, not equal 


widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a type of person or thing 


A bias is a belief you can have about a person, topic, or idea. You are not always very aware of your biases, but everyone has them. 

How can you help?

* Remember that not everyone has learned and understands this topic. Respect others and their opinions.

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